The Skills Canada BC Resources page provides tools, guides, and materials for students, educators, and professionals. Discover information on competitions, training, career pathways, and educational resources to help you excel in skilled trades and technologies.

Explore Our Resources

Educators Guide
A comprehensive toolkit for inspiring students and educators to explore the world of trades and technologies. Packed with videos, e-books, activities, podcasts, and more, this resource hub is designed to empower educators in shaping tomorrow’s skilled professionals.

News and Newsletter
Stay updated with the latest news and insights from Skills Canada BC. Our News and Newsletter sections bring you important announcements, event highlights, and industry updates, keeping you informed and engaged in the world of skilled trades and technologies.

Grants, Bursaries & Scholarships
Discover funding opportunities in our Grants, Bursaries & Scholarships sections. Find financial support options to help you pursue education and training in skilled trades and technologies, making your career goals more accessible.