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Board of Directors

2024 Skills Canada BC Board of Directors

The Skills Canada BC Board is made up of volunteer Directors, who are elected to the Board at the Annual General Meeting. Directors hold a two-year position on the Board with the option for re-election after their term has been completed. In keeping with Board policy on good governance, individuals interested in being nominated to the Skills Canada BC Board of Directors are required to submit a letter of intent, and a current CV and complete a Skills Matrix prior to the annual deadline determined each year.

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Board Contact List 2023/2024

Dennis Innes
Skills Canada BC Board President, Dean, School of Hospitality, Food Studies & Business, Vancouver Community College (VCC)

Nicola Priestley
Director, South Island Partnership, Camosun

John Haller
Former Dean of Trades, Okanagan College

Cory Williams
Formerly ITA/SkilledTradesBC

Lesa Lacey
Lacey Developments Ltd.

Kate Pelletier
Former Dean of Trades, Assiniboine Community College

Brad Moe
Canadian Welding Bureau, formerly Seaspan

Jason Leber
Senior Manager, Skilled Trades Training, FortisBC

Abigail Fulton
Executive Director, Construction Foundation of BC

Courtenay Kearney
HR Coordinator, OZZ Electric BC Inc

Will Schwartz
Executive Director of Apprenticeship and Training, Piping Industry College of BC (UAPIBC)

Kerry Vital
Program Manager, Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA)




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