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Skilled Trades BC

Building, creating, fixing, mastering—and getting paid to do it. Sound good to you? A career in the skilled trades is engaging and fulfilling. The opportunities are vast, the future demand is strong, and the rewards are great. There has never been a better time to get into the trades.

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WorkBC is your direct access to the world of work in British Columbia. Its key goal is to help all British Columbians successfully navigate B.C.’s labour market.

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TradeUpBC is a pioneering initiative dedicated to highlighting the diverse array of short courses offered by institutes across British Columbia.

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Trades Training BC

This site lists up-to-date training schedules from BC’s public post-secondary institutions for skilled-trade programs.

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BC Technology for Learning Society

BC Technology for Learning Society is a registered charity accepting donations of used computers (and other tech devices), youth on work experience placements are hired to refurbish the computers for distribution back to BC-based non-profits, schools and low-income individuals.

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Work Safe BC

Committed to creating a province free from workplace injury or illness, and to providing service driven by our core values of integrity, accountability, and innovation. By partnering with workers and employers, Work Safe BC helps British Columbians come home from work safe every day.

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Canadian Apprenticeship Forum

CAF-FCA is a non-profit organization that connects Canada’s apprenticeship community. Participants work collaboratively to support vibrant and innovative apprenticeship systems and policies with a view to developing a highly skilled, inclusive and mobile skilled trades workforce. Employers, unions, equity-seeking groups, educational institutions and the jurisdictions support CAF-FCA operations through membership.

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