HomeBlogNewsletterCongratulations to Grace Zhou Winner of the Inventor’s Safety Challenge

Congratulations to Grace Zhou Winner of the Inventor’s Safety Challenge

Please join us in congratulating Grace Zhou, a grade 11 student at North Delta Secondary School for winning the Inventors Month Online Safety Challenge! You can view the entry here.

This challenge was created in recognition of International Inventors month, and Occupational Health and Safety Awareness week in May.

The theme was to get creative and spread awareness about occupational health and safety through a trade or technology while incorporating Skills for Success in order to prevent a workplace injury.

Grace clearly and creatively focused on the baking trade, showing the potential safety hazards and how to prevent these accidents from happening while highlighting some Skills for Success.

We also want to say a BIG thank you to Shoshawna Blair for judging & sponsoring this challenge.

Thank you to all those who participated in this online challenge.

Please click here to visit our online challenge web page for more upcoming challenges and summer activities!

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