DIY Sprinkler Challenge!

DIY Sprinkler Challenge!
Enter for a chance to win a $75 e-gift card of your choice!

One of the best ways to beat the summertime heat is being able to run through the sprinkler, in the yard, to cool off. How much better would it be if you were able to enjoy the very sprinkler that you designed and created?

Contest Details:

  • There may be up to 3 winners, one in each age group:
  • Grade K-3, 4-8, 9-12.
  • You must provide a plan/design for your sprinkler
  • You must include which Skills for Success are being used during the process.
  • Any material may be used to create your sprinkler, i.e. a hose, water bottle, PVC pipes, pool noodles, water balloons, etc.
  • Get creative and have fun!
  • There are no dimensional parameters.
  • The deadline to enter is September 2, 2022 (Submit Entries Here).


  • Provide a plan/design for your sprinkler – 1 point.
  • Submit two photos of your sprinkler, one with the water on and one with the water off – 2 points.
  • Creativity – 1 point.
  • Include one of more Skills for Success** that was used – 1 point.
  • Bonus point – Submit a video of your sprinkler, while the water is on – 1 point.
  • A total of 6 points may be earned.
  • If this competition speaks to you, check out our Provincial Competitions


** Skills for Success are the skills needed to participate and thrive in learning, work and life.

Stay tuned for more cool Skills Canada BC content and challenges to come!

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