HomeBlogNewsShoshawna Blair: Skills Canada BC Gold Medalist to Red Seal Baker

Shoshawna Blair: Skills Canada BC Gold Medalist to Red Seal Baker

Shoshawna’s trades journey began in high school during an English assignment, where she was tasked with creating a physical representation of “Lord of the Flies.” Opting to bake a cake symbolizing the island, her career teacher noticed her creative potential and introduced her to the ACE-IT program, now known as the SkilledTradesBC Youth Train in Trades Program. In grade 12, she enrolled into the program at Vancouver Community College (VCC) and found herself immediately captivated, realizing that baking was the right fit for her.

In 2017, encouraged by her instructors and friends, Shoshawna decided to participate in the Skills Canada BC (SCBC) Competition, where skilled students and apprentices from across the province compete in over 40 skilled trade and technology competitions. Provincial winners proceed to the Nationals, and then the World competitions. 

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