HomeBlogNewsletterSkills Canada BC Pi Day Challenge

Skills Canada BC Pi Day Challenge

National Pi-Day is on March 14th, and we want to get creative, with you!

Create your very own edible, or non-edible version of pie! This can be a delicious, edible pie, a clay pie creation, a pie made from carved wood, etc.



Contest Details:

  • There will be 3 winners, one in each age group: Grade K-3, 4-8, 9-12.
  • You may use any edible or non-edible materials to complete this challenge.
  • You must describe which Skills for Success were used to create this project.
  • Bonus points awarded for using the Skills for Success logo.
  • The deadline to enter is March 25th, 2022 (Submit Entries Here).



  • Creative and personally challenging – 1 point.
  • Tidy, neat and planned out – 1 point.
  • Colorful – 1 point.
  • Description of which Skills for Success* was used – 1 point.
  • **Bonus Point** Use of the Skills for Success logo – 1 point.


A total of 4 points, plus 1 bonus point, may be earned.

If this competition speaks to you, check out our Provincial Competitions

*Skills for Success are the skills needed to participate and thrive in learning, work and life.

Stay tuned for more cool Skills Canada BC content and challenges to come!

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